Since 2012, Mount Cotton State School, in line with our core belief of growing clever, creative and caring children has been systematically implementing Australian Curriculum learning areas across Prep to Year 6. These learning areas include English, Mathematics, Science, HASS (Humanities and Social Science).
2017 will see the implementation of the following Australian Curriculum learning areas in the following year levels:
Prep-Year 2 and Year 6: The Arts
Year 3-5: Civics & Citizenship
Year 5 & 6: Economics & Business
Year 6: Technologies
P-6: Music & Physical Education
Year 5 & 6: LOTE
During this transition period teachers at Mount Cotton State School will continue to access the Queensland Curriculum to teach the following key learning areas in the following year levels.
Prep: Early Years Curriculum Guidelines
Prep - Year 6: Health
Year 3-5: The Arts
Year 1-6: Health
- Year 1-5: Technology
Please refer to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (ACARA) website for further information around the Australian Curriculum.
Classes use both Mathletics and Reading Eggs, their links can be found below: